Dr Sujata runs a successful medical aesthetic and women’s wellness practice in Pretoria.
Dr Sujata’s women wellness practice lead her to explore the developing world of medical aesthetics 15 years ago and she has never looked back.
With a passion for painting portraits, Dr Sujata felt the need to explore the fascinating world of facial anatomy. She believes that what you see on the surface is a reflection of what is going on underneath.
In 2018, Dr Sujata attended the esteemed Allergan Medical Institute (AMI) facial anatomy discourse in Singapore. She has also attended the School of Anatomical Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand. She has also been regularly invited to speak at public events on gynaecological rejuvenation.
Dr Sujata keeps herself thoroughly updated with new advances in aesthetic medicine by attending both local and international congresses. She is a member of the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Society of South Africa (AAMSSA) and the Dermatologic Aesthetic Surgery International League (DASIL).
Medical aesthetics requires an advanced understanding of facial aging and, paired with good technique and a comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, yields the competent skills used for non-surgical injections.