Dermal Filler Courses Offer an Excellent Opportunity for Practice Expansion


The growing popularity of anti-aging treatments that employ dermal fillers has spurred a parallel growth in the number of physicians seeking to attend suitable courses. While the march of time is unstoppable and will inevitably leave its footprints on our features, an increasing number of people are discovering the joy of erasing those signs, at least for a while. Although their motivation may sometimes be simple vanity, more often, it is the desire to restore self-confidence and to feel good about oneself that spurs people to consider consulting a specialist in anti-aging medicine.


The action of dermal fillers is fairly obvious from their descriptive title. Various materials, when injected beneath the skin, can quite literally act as a sort of padded filling that serves to smooth out those fine lines and wrinkles that reveal, and in many cases, can tend to exaggerate our true age. In addition, these treatments can help to enhance sunken cheeks and fill hollows to generally restore facial contours, and may also be used to overcome the prematurely aging effect of an overly thin lip line.


Why would one choose this option when there are creams that require no doctors or special courses, but simply act to tighten the skin and make one appear younger? Firstly, few of these preparations work as well as is claimed, and all of them tend to be expensive. Also, they require daily application on an ongoing basis, in order to maintain their effect. Why not opt for a surgical facelift then? Even this is not a permanent solution. In time, the wrinkles will return and, assuming a patient can even afford it, would he or she really want to repeat the whole painful and costly experience with all of the bruises, swelling and downtime that can often persist long after being discharged from the clinic?


A non-surgical or so-called liquid facelift using dermal fillers, even when performed by a doctor who has attended all of the relevant courses, doesn’t offer a permanent solution either. However, it smooths out wrinkles, plumps up the skin and adds volume where needed, and depending upon the particular product used, a patient could retain that new youthful look for anything from six months to a full two years. The procedure requires no downtime and most patients are able to return to normal activities after no more than an hour’s rest.


The benefits of these non-surgical treatments to the patient are clear to see, but there are also substantial benefits to be gained by a physician who may wish an entrée into the field of anti-aging medicine. Given the fundamental knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the skin gained from medical school, a doctor can readily acquire sufficient theory and practical skills pertaining to the use of dermal fillers to start treating his or her own patients, simply by attending one or two of the courses designed to teach these procedures. Given the already large demand for these treatments, this could provide a valuable new income stream for a practice.


Relevant training for registered medical doctors at basic and advanced levels, as well as in special applications, are conducted for small groups by experts in the field and offered by the Medskills Training Academy.