Medskills is closely monitoring developments around the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), and our priority remains the safety of our employees and our clients.
At this stage, we have chosen to move forward with all planned training events. The situation is developing, and we will of course act on the President’s orders and requests. We will monitor the situation on a daily basis and will inform all trainees should anything change.
The health and safety of trainees, trainers and models comes first and we are committed to combating COVID-19. Therefore, we will be taking extra hygienic measures. We will be utilising BioChlor disinfectant to sanitise all tools, hands etc.
We do ask that you inform us in advance if you have travelled recently and are planning to attend one of our upcoming courses.
Our training courses will take place at The Workspace. Please see below the communication from The Workspace with regard to the precautions that they are taking at their facility.
The below outlines The Workspace position and actions in response to the COVID-19 crisis:
The Workspace will take all possible measures to ensure the safety of our work environment. That being said, we must stress that as South Africans united in the response to the pandemic, each individual is responsible for their own personal hygiene and for taking personal behavioural precautions. Please see how you can help your community, medical workers and police services and try to give messages of hope and inspiration to those around you.
Even with every possible measure taken, The Workspace has limited control over shared facilities – particularly where our branches are located in mixed-use buildings and centres. For this reason, we encourage all members to be mindful of their surroundings and actions.
The Workspace is Protecting Members During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Avoiding contact with those who may be infected is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus. Due to the growing threat of infection in South Africa, we are implementing the following procedures for the protection of our members:
- We’re encouraging the use of video conferencing, phone calls, email, and other technologies for all meetings. Boardroom bookings for facilitating this will proceed as usual, and if needed, you will be placed in an empty office should you need a quiet space for your tele-conference.
- When face-to-face meetings are unavoidable, we will thoroughly clean our boardroom spaces before and after each appointment.
- The biometric scanners have been disabled to minimize contact and members can now once again make use of their tags.
- Pay points / POS machines will be cleaned after every transaction.
- Additional steps are being taken to ensure the highest levels of hygiene in our kitchen spaces.
- Every branch of The Workspace is undergoing additional cleaning and disinfecting throughout the branch.
- Additional, regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, printers etc. will also be taking place.
- Hand sanitizer is being made available throughout each branch.
- Contact with suppliers and vendors will be cut down to a minimum to ensure minimal external persons coming into each branch.
Please contact us if you have any questions or queries regarding the Coronavirus outbreak and Medskills response and/or training.
Thank You,
Dr Chris Giezing