Beauty Therapy Courses in Pretoria for Medical and Aesthetic Professionals


The Medskills Training Academy offers a range of cosmetic treatment and beauty therapy courses in Pretoria suitable for dentists, medical practitioners and beauty therapists wanting to add more services to their product offerings.


Our courses consist of theoretical components in addition to hands-on programmes for practitioners in the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging fields. All the courses are presented by experts in their respected fields and because we understand that professionals have little time to spend away from their practices, we keep the courses short. The experts are able to transfer their knowledge and skills within the allocated course timeframes ensuring that you can learn about new techniques in the shortest possible period.


Our range of beauty therapy courses in Pretoria is extensive and we regularly add new courses to the offering.


Courses include, but are not limited to:


  • Basic Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers
  • Chemical Peeling for Aesthetic Practitioners
  • Bruxism, Gummy Smile, DAO Mentalis, TMJ and Hyperhidrosis, and Advanced Botulinum
  • Tooth Whitening/Bleaching
  • Mesotherapy
  • Medical Weight Loss
  • Ethics/ Indemnity/ Consumer Protection Act – a fact of life for all practitioners and how to avoid pitfalls
  • Sclerotherapy


Importance of Training in New Techniques


Modern patients look towards dentists, medical practitioners and aesthetic professional service providers for turnkey solutions. Rather than having to visit one dentist for fillings and another dentist for tooth whitening or help with Bruxism, a patient wants all the services to be offered at one place. Where the medical professional can provide scientific based assistance with weight loss in addition to Mesotherapy and anti-ageing treatments such as Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers, the professional expands their service offering, market and income generating capacity.


Expert Training


With the cosmetic medical industry constantly under fire for poor quality and malpractice incidences, it is imperative to ensure that you have the required training, expertise and qualifications to provide aesthetic services and treatments Not only is the reputation of the industry at stake, but also the integrity of your practice and the wellbeing of the patient. As such, make sure the training you receive is excellent. When you attend one of our beauty therapy courses for medical practitioners in Pretoria, you will receive superior quality training.


Future Services and Products


It is essential to stay up to date with new technologies and treatment options. If you don’t, patients will migrate to other practitioners that do offer newer anti-ageing, health and weight loss solutions. As technology advances and our understanding of medicine increases, we owe it to the patients to offer them the best, cost-effective and safest treatment options. The Secrets of Youth Training Academy therefore constantly adds new courses, offering you more opportunities to add new techniques to your service offerings.


Our courses teach you the relevancy of treatments, best ways to administer, and how to mix substances and store such. In addition, you learn about safety profiles and the newest techniques used in application. Contact us for more information on our beauty therapy courses in Pretoria today.